Contact Lakeridge Health
Send an e-mail to the selection committee of Lakeridge Health. Say:
“I do not support Pickering’s choice of site for the new hospital. There should be no urban development on land within a Prime Agricultural Area or on land within the Carruthers Headwaters.”
E-mail Address:
(image of site courtesy of Land Over Landings)
Contact your MPP
Send a letter to MPP Rod Phillips (and copy MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark). Tell them:
“The Carruthers Headwaters and the prime farmland proposed by Pickering as the site of Durham Region’s new hospital both belong in the Greenbelt and must be added to the Greenbelt before December 31, 2021. It is essential that this Class 1 farmland and important watershed be given the protection they have long needed and that, in your election campaign, you pledged they would receive.”
Email Addresses:
Contact Pickering City Council
Send a letter to Pickering’s mayor, Dave Ryan. Ask:
"Why not locate the hospital in Seaton where land is already zoned for urban development and where a growing population will benefit from – and support – a hospital?”
E-mail Address: